Crayon Shin-chan‘s butts


My name: Jinxin Li
object description: for this week our goal is to build a simple generator that makes multiple variations of the same form. My object called Crayon Shin Chain‘s butts.

Design Process

For the first step, the most challenging part for me is to choose a form. At first, I want to draw some simple objects such as the cups and cakes; however, I don' t think that kind of drawing can attract people's eyes. Then, I start to think of some drawings. After a brainstorming and investigation period, I finally decided to draw a famous anime "Crayon Shin-chan "'s main character 'Shin's butts. In anime, Shin always tries to show his butts to other people and play with his butts with different shapes, so I think this concept will be fascinating to make.


Design process:
- draw my sketch on the canvas by using the code. (The difficulty in this part is how to draw a closed curve figure. At first, I wanted to use curves to draw the character’s pants, but after trying different kinds of codes, I found out that I can only draw a single curve which is not a closed curve figure, so I give up and choose to use the beginShape function)
- set variables and use mousePressed() to change the size of the butts as well as to set a movement of the object with random.
- set variablesuse keyPressed() to change the color of the background and pants with random

For this project, I discovered how to set a random color for the background. It is fascinating to see the color change by simply put the mouse on it.
It is also a very interesting function to let the butt follow your mouse-click to become bigger and bigger. It follows the concept of the cartoon as well.
The most exciting function for me is setting the position's variable and adding it to each x and y function. In this way, the whole object will move randomly with your mouse-click. It just like making the animation of the drawing.