Cubism camera


Description of work : For this project, I am trying to create an artwork camera that uses a camera to show an art form called "cubism." Objects are analyzed, decomposed, and reassembled in an abstract form, instead of depicting objects from a single viewpoint, but from multiple perspectives. My camera will capture an item from different dimensional and combine them to look like a cubism artwork. The subject can be any kind of subject, this camera gives you a chance to create exciting cubism art work by simply take the image of the object from different kinds of perspective. This camera's meaning is to combine reality with art form to let people be involved in art design making. You can simply click the shot can create artwork. Isn't it meaningful and exciting?

Design Process


Sketch 1: for the first idea, I want to change the image into pixel dots/checkboxes, and when there is an object appear, the dots will be checked. The ideas are from the pixel of the image that we know each image will have multiple pixels, and we can define each pixel and make some changes to it.
Sketch 2: The second idea comes from the saturation of different colors, and I want to use this function to help those color blindness to distinguish color by the different size of the pixel.
Sketch 3: The third idea is about cubism, which I mentioned in the description. The reason why I want to choose sketch three because I want to make my camera more meaningful and interesting. I think combining art with the camera can be very creative. Even though this camera doesn't have a deep meaning related to the social problem, It is also an excellent choice to start from an artistic perspective.


p1-p3 development stage 1 p4-p6 development stage 2 p7-p9 final development

Reflection: For this assignment,at first I create two sets of code because I think both ways can help me achieve my expectation. But I cannot combine the two codes because to control the randomness of the images size and the arrangement of the image is very challenging for me. The hardest part for code 1 is the randomness of the size is in the draw loop, which I will get lots of random numbers in one second, and I cannot get a fixed snapshot. The hardest part for code 2 is the randomness of the position. I cannot arrange the image position because the image size is different, and If I use the arrangement, the computer needs to calculate each image and decide it's position. It will be very complicated. Then I try to use the current position of X,Y to define the position of the image and finally it works. The think progress is very important here and It takes lots of time to think about the logic in the code. But this progress is very helpful. It is fascinating to see different outcomes for different objects. Even for the same object, each time you click the button, you will get different results.